PR: Medsphere Releases Interface Test Automation Code

Press Release: Medsphere Releases Code for Development Testing Automation Framework

‘Strongwind’ Enhances Software Quality, Supports Open Source Community

ALISO VIEJO, California, October 30, 2007 – Medsphere Systems Corporation
today announced the release of code for a user interface test automation
framework that enables developers to create automated quality assurance
scripts to test features of user interface applications. Dubbed Strongwind,
this new tool developed by Medsphere engineers has improved the process of
testing updates and enhancements of Medsphere’s OpenVista electronic health
record (EHR), a commercial version of the U.S. Department of Veterans
Affairs’ VistA solution. Medsphere is now making the testing platform
available under the GNU General Public License (GPL) to assist third-party
developers in delivering quality applications.

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Scott Shreeve Rebooted!

Scott Shreeve says farewell to Medsphere: ‘…Last Thursday, we finalized a mutual settlement agreement with Medsphere. It took five hundred and four days after being drawn into the campaign to reach this conclusion. To us, this war was always about principles, while to others it was “just business”. In the end, all parties had heard and seen and spent enough.

Looking back on my 5 1/2 year experience at Medsphere, the only thing I can say is:


Misys Goes Open Source But Forgets The Source

Misys might be open source now according to this press release only it seems that they forgot to actually release the source according to Matt Asay: ‘…What he failed to mention was the license, the location (to download the source), and to give any details on how to get involved.

You won’t find the project on Sourceforge. Codehaus doesn’t have it, either. Nor does Misys on its own website, apparently.

What benefits will Misys derive from open source if it doesn’t engage an external development community?…’

Microsoft Healthvault Patient Safety in Question

Connectologist Tim Gee considers patient safety and HealthVault:

Many have criticized HealthVault regarding privacy and security concerns, or perceived limitations of HV as a personal health record (PHR). I suspect that HV is challenged more by the market’s perception of Microsoft’s long running security issues than with any actual shortcomings of that type in HV. And since HV is not a PHR, but rather a “platform,” criticisms about any lack of PHR features is not relevant. One topic I’ve not seen addressed is the safety and effectiveness of the data within HV – and I don’t mean “safety” as in the data is secure from unauthorized access or misuse. I mean “safety” as in the utilization of data stored in HV by other applications won’t result in an unsatisfactory patient outcome, you know, like death or injury.

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HealthVault: No Committments, Sleeping Watchdog

Fred Trotter has a in depth analysis
of public statements by Dr. Deborah Peel of the Privacy Rights Foundation and a comparison and contrast of what is being said publicly but what is actually committed to by the HealthVault Privacy Policy: “Has Microsoft committed to keeping the promises that it has already made? No, just the opposite. Their privacy policy concludes:�We may occasionally update this privacy statement�

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HealthVault: Abusing vs Implementing Standards

Fred Trotter has a critique of HealthVault: ‘…Microsoft is famous for incorrectly implementing standards and creating new incompatible dialects. Microsoft has done this even when it goes in the face of a previously strong standard. Then they use their monopoly position to push adoption of their own dialect of a standard. Adoption of the Microsoft dialect then increases the reach and influence of the Microsoft monopoly, which increases Microsoft�s ability to enforce their own dialects, etc etc. If you have no idea what I am talking about then Google for the history of Microsoft�s implementations of Java, Kerberos and Javascript.

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Open Source EMR PatientOS v0.15 “Scheduling” released

PatientOS is a free clinical information management system for hospitals and healthcare office practitioners (GP’s, family physicians, ambulatory). A functional physician practice version will be released March 31st, 2008. A hospital release October 31st, 2008.

Version 0.15 adds core scheduling functionality. Search for a patient and schedule appointments on the day and week views. Multiple user or resource calendars can be viewed side by side.

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GNUmed released

A new and improved version is out. It has been improved through test by our users.


FIX: failure to save new episode w/o rfe/aoe because episode name is empty
FIX: faulty path for user-local startup script
FIX: crash on right-clicking empty provider inbox
FIX: crash on right-clicking notebook tabs
FIX: crash on shutdown
FIX: failure to detect succeeding connection to enslaved client
FIX: faulty variable access resulting in match_type not being displayed on patient searches
FIX: remove only older-than-a-week empty encounters such that encounters open
on other machines are not deleted from under them
FIX: missing cast to ::text in dem.date_trunc_utc() calls

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