10 Secrets EHR Companies May Not Want You To Know

MDNG has an extremely frank article that is noteworthy by who its author is: a medical doctor who is president of an Electronic Health Record (EHR) company. The article states in number 1-4 that: the award an EHR received, the ‘non-biased expert’, the referred EHR using physician, and the respected physician leader of your local society may have been paid off by the EHR company to say favorable things about a product! Others are that they will nickel and dime you to death, they’ll use your data as a bargaining chip to prevent you from leaving, they emphasize Return On Investment (ROI) to distract you from how overpriced the product is, ‘EHRs don’t improve quality of care and often make you less efficient. And since you won’t figure this out until you are actually using the product, EHR vendors won’t let you try-before-you-buy, and there is no return policy!…A Center for Certification of Health Information Technology (CCHIT) CCHIT-certified product, by definition, is often more expensive and less usable than non-certified products.’ No mention of Free/Open Source Software licensed EHR’s as an alternative. Sigh.

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