Excellence Awards for Open Source Business Use in Government

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2009 “Excellence Awards for Open Source Business Use in Government”. The Awards will recognize government employees who have made significant accomplishments in the application of Open Source Technology to meet government business or mission requirements. To Be Awarded November 5, 2009 Government Open Source Conference (GOSCON DC) Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center, Washington, D.C. http://goscon.org/awards
Management Recognition:An Award Plaque will be presented to the key individual nominated for the award.
Additionally, the manager of the Awardees will be invited to GOSCON DC and recognized at the Award Ceremony.

Award Categories for 2009
Please Indicate the Category (Category 1 to 10) on All Nominations

Federal Government Awards (Category 1 to10):

Five Pillar Awards (Awards 1 to 5):
In support of the Federal Government Office Government’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Federal Chief Information Officer’s “Five Pillars” focus area, awards will be presented for open source accomplishments in implementing each of the five pillars:

1. Lowering the Cost of Government Using Open Source Technology Award
2. Transparency in Government Using Open Source Technology Award
3. Engaging Citizens (to include Collaboration and Openness) Using Open Source Technology Award
4. Innovation Using Open Source Technology Award
5. Safe Computing Environment Using Open Source Technology Award

In addition, an Awards will be presented for:
6. Technology Excellence to Meet Special Business or Mission Requirements of the Federal Government Using Open Source Technology Award
7. Health Information Systems Using Open Source Technology Award
8. “Other” Category – Major Accomplishments and Contributions to the Management of Open Source Technology in the Federal Government.

State Government Awards (Category 9):
9. Awards will be presented to recognize:
State Government “Excellence in Open Source Applications”.

Local Government Awards (Category 10):
10. Award will be presented to recognize:
Local Government “Excellence in Open Source Applications”.

Award Selection:
A distinguished team of government and industry leaders will make the selection. More than one winner may be selected in each category or additional categories may be created to best recognize outstanding accomplishments in Open Source Technology or Management. Winners will be notified and they and their manager will be invited to attend as special guests of GOSCON DC.

Nominations may be submitted by:
Government Agency, Industry Partner, or Individual (self nominations are accepted).

Awards are made to Government Employees or Teams of Government Employees (Federal, State, or Local Government) ONLY and not to industry partners or academia.
All award submissions must be approved by organizational management prior to submission.

Nominations Accepted: Monday, October 5, 2009
Nominations Close: 5:00 pm Thursday, October 23, 2009
Award Winners Notified: Friday, October 30, 2009
Awards Presented at GOSCON DC: November 5, 2009

Make an nomination!

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