Fidelity Information Services Free/Open Source GT.M Mumps database is gaining traction outside of private-sector Veterans Affairs VistA Electronic Health Record. Veterans Affairs VistA development in the private sector is proceeding at a furious rate. Companies such as M/Gateway, Astronaut (owned by the same conspiracy that owns Linux Medical News) Medsphere, DSS and others are making announcement after announcement of new development in the Veterans Affairs VistA Electronic Health Record or closely related space.
- Fast, organized installers have appeared from both Astronaut and Medsphere.
- Although details have yet to be worked out, a VistA oriented Practice Management System is developed and will be released soon.
- Patient registration and mixed rendering with tmg-cprs are now truly solved problems.
- Deployments are proceeding.
- Feasible routes from VistA to the web, Java, MySQL and ODBC have been developed by Medsphere.
- Easy client installers and client session manager that work out of the box have appeared from Astronaut.
- DSS has jumped into the fray and has plans to put its vxVistA on GT.M.
M/Gateway made this announcement on Slipstream: “Canonical have made an M/DB Appliance available in their Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC) Image Store, and, as a result, have extended the range of Amazon Web Services APIs that are emulated in the UEC to include SimpleDB. The M/DB Appliance is the first non-Canonical image to be included in the UEC Image Store: another first for M/Gateway!
For info on Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud:
For an excellent tutorial on UEC: