Category Archives: Europe

Knoppix Offer to all Medical/Health Open Source related projects

Wilfried G�dert has put together a Knoppix CD of the Care2x project and is offering to include other medical open source screenshots, presentations and articles on the CD. Per G�dert, the creator of Knoppix is personally involved in this so the quality should be good. Please contact him at the above e-mail if you are interested. The full text of his announcement is within. This is different from the Debian-med project which seeks to create a specifically medical distribution of Linux.

(please forward this info to other Open Source projects) I spoke with Elpidio, that we have some place or make it possible for the Care2x CD

I wrote also to IValdes about it.

So i think if someone like to send me some papers or presentations from his Health/Medical related Open Source project. It is possible to add it at the CD. Prefered format is pdf or an Open Office format. Open Office will be includet to the CD.

I includet also Minaltas Gallery so that Screenshots send to me can be integrated in a folder. Pictures/Flash films of Developers or Developement Departements are wellcome. Please in a good resolution whats interesting for press. The Content and pictures must be free for distribution. Creative Commons will help you.

At every start of the CD a Browser pops up and give the information about this additional content with a link to the right folder. I need help for translations to other languages!!!
A pre design of the CD Startpage you will find here:

The Content of additional Information about health related stuff is inside the talk folder.

The Final version of the CD remastering is in a few days.
Please mail me your articles or at minimum some infos about your project to



Knoppix Linux Kernel Bug

A lot of people are astonished that, after remastering a Knoppix CD, the result blows up a lot. The reason is that there is a Kernel bug what is not fixed. Normaly it makes no difference. But during the remastering process it has some sideeffects. It resets a lot of hardlinks that before were softlinks.

I tested a lot of different Knoppix versions that are remastered. I saw none that keep attention to the remastered Linux and what happened with it as result.

If you remaster a Knoppix CD you have to look at a lot of things. The same for linux and medical applications. Its the same effect that you see with Aspirin versus a Generic Drug. Its not the same result.

Today I personaly phoned Klaus Knopper who is personally involved in the remastered Care2x Knoppix CD. I also informed Elpidio (main developer of Care2x) and tested a pre-release Version of the CD. He likes the result very much.

Future planning for the ISO and the Care2x Knoppix CD will be at the Flensburg developer meeting. We plan a special team of experts there to for working on additional projects. These will be useful for other projects than the Care2x Project in the future.

Discussion are underway for improvements of Linux and Care2x for handicapped people. We will discuss these new projects in Flensburg. Klaus Knoppix is personally interested in supporting it. We are also looking for developers interesting in writing code and with special expertise.

Klaus needs a sponsor for braille. That’s realy important. There is a Knoppix version available for blind people. But if you realy test it the result nearly useless. Under real working conditions Knoppix and Linux needs a lot of improvement.

Please be careful about mailing Klaus personaly. He is answering but is very busy. There are more than 13000 e-mails with support requests for Knoppix at the moment. He likes to have a little time time to work on the projects.

The Care2x CD comes with the new Kernel and some improvements. It is tested. The Quality Control is being done by Klaus himself.



Care2x at GMDS Lecture

I am happy to announce, that the Care2x Project joins with a lecture at the Conference of the GMDS and the BVMI in Mannheim, Denmark at
March, 24 – 26 2004. The GMDS is similar to the American AMIA. GMDS is internationally
accepted with a high reputation.

Some pictures of the location:

There are pictures of the University building which is an old castle.
For me it’s nice to come back to the place where i studied medicine.



Care2x Year in Review and ‘Karneval’

Thank you for the support by Linuxmednews readers of the Care2x project. The articles on care2x this year have yielded good ideas on improving it. This was a big year for us so we say “Happy new year 2004”. I am sure it will be bigger than 2003 for care2x. In Germany at 11.11. every year 11.11. a.m. the fith season begins named “Karneval”. In Cologne where I did my degree or “Fastnacht” in Mainz the town where I was born. Is it the time to be as crazy as we are? So I looked on the Internet to give you some impressession what happened at Karneval.

At that time i was in Geneva at OSHCA and met the WorldVista people. We spoke about an idea, to make a module together for Worldvista and Care2x. Crazy, isn’t it?

Etienne Saliez, M.D., Crisnet vice-president,
Belgian Medical Informatics Association (MIM) vice-president likes the idea to share code.

After some mails with the WorldVista people we checked that it is possible to connect from Care2x to the Sanchez Computer Associates, Inc.. GT.M database that is used by Worldvista.

I was asked by Professor Trill, University Flensburg Chair of the FFIT, to present the Care2x project at the FFIT in February next year. There are more than 60 companies specialized in Hospital Information Systems. The same time and place there is a subcongress of German Government for telemedicine.

I wish u all a Happy New Year and starting fireworks for the new year.

We are allowed at the FFIT to make the first non virtual developer meeting that take place at february 11, 2004. The vista people told me thats realistic to expect 10 – 15 developers at such a first meeting.

For the meeting I have set up a tentative list. Klaus KopperKnoppix would like to help us to produce a Care2x demo CD with a complete Debian Linux on it. I think it’s good to know for other projects how to make such a Demo. He is in the organisation of Europes biggest Linux event (20000 vistors) and i think we sort out in Flensburg the possibility of a special Linux health day at this event.

Another tentative is Prof. Frank van Harmelen. I give you the link to the W3C Resource and an easy reading article to
push your phantasy.

What happened now in Flensburg?
Today I set up a little homepage and you can click in the right upper corner to register for reading in English about the care2x developer meeting.

Care2x 1st Developer meeting Feb 11, 2004

For foreign readers some more links about Karneval. The event starts 1 week after the meeting at Feb 23, 2004

Berkeley private reasearch about Karneval 🙂

Embassy Ottawa

History of Karneval

Crazy, isn’t it?


Care2x gives more communication possibilities

There is a new little application started to improve communication inside the Care2x. We set up a Jabber Server named “”. Read more to get the information “WHY” and what we can do with it.

Since some Versions ago of Care2x the GPL Software Ataraxia 1.1 was integrated to Care2x. It gives the possibility to use a Mobile Phone or any Palm or any other Handheld with Care2x together.

See some Screenshots there ore use the live demo to send the main developer an Email. To test the online demo, type into your WAP mobile phone’s browser. Please send us a short email via your mobile phone.

Future or Reality – your choice
The Jabber server now gives the possibility for life contact to developers that are listed at SourceForge.
We started a Bot to see their life presence on a page and to give the possibillity to contact them personaly life and to chat in the Jabber Care2x Conference Center ( This page is the first test and need to be continued.

What is the sence?
There are a lot of jabber interestet developers around the world. Why not to discuss the possibility to integrade sencefull applications in the connection with the Jabber XML protocoll for integration to Care2x? Is it sencefull to integrate an instant messenger in a health application like KDE Kopete? Help to find a answer…

Enjoy to write a litle application
Give your Ideas

Lets Jabber – Care2x – Have Fun


Mednet programme is out

Just to notice that for the Mednet 4 – 7 December 2003 Palexpo – Geneva 8th world Congress on the Internet in Medicine the Programme is out.
There are 3 workshops with Open Source Software:

  • Workshop and Tutorial on the Use of Open-Source Software in HealthCare Applications
    Elsner C., Heart Center Leipzig, Leipzig Germany

  • Open Source E-learning Software for Medical Education
    Dorup J., Section for Health Informatics, University of Aarhus, Aarhus Denmark

  • Care2x an OPEN SOURCE hospital information system
    Godert W., CARE2X.DE, Mainz Germany

See the full programme at:

Care2x workshop at HON, MEDNET annual conference in Geneva

Care2x has been accepted for a workshop at Mednet. MEDNET is the annual conference of the Society for the Internet in Medicine (SIM). SIM Originated in 1996 to build a network of Internet players and users sharing the latest research developments and up-to-date tools in Medicine, health and the Internet.

This year MedNet 2003 is organized by the Health On the Net Foundation (HON) in Geneva, prior to and in connection with the Wolrld Summit On the Information Society (WSIS), which will take place in Geneva the 10 – 12 December 2003.

This year’s edition promises to be truly unique, taking place alongside the World Summit on the Information Society ( WSIS ), during which leaders from Government, Industry and Civil Society will gather to set the agenda for tomorrow’s information society. It is a good idea to give a mail to the participants of WSIS of your country to visit the Open Source Care2x workshop to get more information about Open Source in Medicine. Here the complete participants list.

Also interesting at this point is that the Open Source Health Care Allianz (OSHA) anual meeting is at the same time at the same place. 🙂