Category Archives: Tk_familypractice

Tkfp Live ISO! Uploaded to Sourceforge

As posted on the mailing list.

I posted a Tkfp Live! .iso image file to today. It’s a bootable CD image file containing a configured and working copy of Tkfp running on Slackware 9.0 using WindowMaker as the window manager. It requires no installation of either Linux or Tkfp to run. It creates a “virtual file system” entirely in RAM. It doesn’t install anything on your hard drive. You can try out Tkfp and Linux on any Intel computer with enough RAM that can boot off a CDROM. Just burn the .iso image onto a CD and set your BIOS to allow booting off the CDROM.


A fast internet connection to download the file – it’s about 345MB. At least 384MB of RAM seem to be needed to get enough virtual file space for Tkfp. It has been tested on a Dell with a Pentium 4 2Ghz with 512MB RAM and Intel 810 on board video and seems to run well. It also has been run on an older AMD K6-2 450 machine with 384MB RAM. The start up scripts attempt to configure your Xserver. If auto configuration
doesn’t work, there are some instructions on how to configure it yourself. I removed KDE and Gnome but there are a full suite of networking and other
utilities including SSH, CUPS, LPRNG and many others available.

There is an .md5 file which allows verifying the
integrity of the .iso file after you download it. On Linux, if you save the .iso and .md5 files in the same directory, you can run:

md5sum -c

It will output a message about the file integrity.

I certainly am just learning about creating these Live CD thingies. This is my first attempt, so please be patient if it doesn’t work! Would appreciate any feedback as to success or failure.

Alexander Caldwell

Tkfp EMR has HIPAA ANSI X12 4010A1 Electronic Insurance Claim Format

The latest version of the Tkfp open source EMR has
the ability to produce the HIPAA required ANSI X12 400A1 claim format required for electronic insurance claims in the U.S. It is written in Tcl/Tk and integrates with the demographic/insurance, accounting and note generating modules of Tkfp. The provider can generate the claim him or herself, having it ready for transmission at the same time the note is finished, assuming all the required insurance information is entered correctly. Tkfp is available at Sourceforge.

The ANSI X12 V4010A1 files are passing almost all the tests at the HIPAA Conformance Certification Organization site.
So far the system is designed to work with an on-line clearinghouse such as MDOn-line who
process the payor responses. Eventually we may be able to process those in Tkfp as well. We feel the
ANSI X12 837 form is the initial step.

The file Tk_familypractice_55.tar.gz has a self installation script included and can be used as a base install on Linux and includes all needed Tcl/Tk and extensions. It should be installed in an ordinary user directory and does not depend on any system libraries. This makes it very easy to install or remove at the expense of a rather large 70mb download. Also required for billing are PYTHON with the PYTHON Imaging library. Also required is almost any version of PERL is for a few small but important functions. The file Tk_familypractice_55_patch.tar.gz has the latest changes and can be extracted in the same directory from where Tkfp was installed with the command:
tar xvfz ./Tk_familypractice_55_patch.tar.gz
It can also be used with Winzip to apply the patch
to the Windows version of Tkfp. The Windows version also needs PYTHON and PERL and the install is not as automated as on Linux.