Tag Archives: FOSS in health cae form all over the world

OSHCA2007 – The Landscape

The OSHCA Conference 2007 is shaping up to be the best and biggest yet. Presenters and participants are attending from around the globe.
The “daily schedule”:http://www.oshca.org/Members/twcook/oshca2007_Detailed-Program.pdf/view and the “abstracts”:http://www.oshca.org/Members/twcook/oshca2007_Abstracts.pdf/view are publically available on the OSHCA “web portal”:http://www.oshca.org/ . They are each updated daily prior to the Opening Session. Then only the Daily Schedule may be updated if required.

I plan to encourage one or more attendees to post their thoughts about the conference throughout the week on LMN.