Tag Archives: SQL-Clinic

SQL Clinic 1.1.0 Released

SQL clinic version 1.1.0 is available with the numerous improvements. Version 1.2.0 should be released sometime this month which will ‘support Oracle out of the box’. The complete list of enhancements follows.

*** SQL Clinic 1.2.0 is being tested now and will be released this month:

This is the first version of SQL Clinic to support Oracle out
of the box. Expected release date: 19 August 2002
(No other enhancements will be offered in this release.)

*** NEW SQL Clinic Version 1.1.0 is available for download NOW at:

New features include:

* New Library File Added With User Defined Options:

clinic.lib created, an updated version of pg_utils.lib
that has user defined options and complies with
-w and the use strict pragma. (Oracle support to be
added for non-beta release of 1.2.0)

* Auditing Subsystem Added (Turned On/Off in Library):

audit trails created (in both database schema, i.e. tables
prefixed with audit_ , and in src tree routines.) Any
patient record modified by user is first copied to the
corresponding audit_ table and then the record to be
modified is tagged as modified (with user’s name and
modification date being appended to the audit_trail field.)

* Additional Functionality for IT personnel Added:
webhosting applications track all related data

* All principal patient data tables now contain Chart ID
data (JCAHO compliance)

* Patient Pain Assessments and Nutrition Screenings
added (JCAHO Compliance).

* Staff Time Clock feature added.

* New Menuing system added. Site Map created.
Previous menuing preserved as button at top of screen.
Site Search feature added.

* Broadcast E-Mail (all employees) feature added.

* External Mailing Lists (sendmail aliases) replaced
with internal lists managed via Setup Menu.

* Patient Medical History and Status added (JCAHO compliance).

* Pain Assessment and Nutrition Screenings (JCAHO compliance).

* Patient photo (on Face Sheet) capability added.

* Prototype programs (/prototypes) and varous test routines
(/test) added for developers.

* Progress Note Editor reduced to Billable/Non-Billable Toggle
(OMH Compliance)

* Initial (72 Hour) Treatment Plan added.

* Patient Intake Program improved for ease of use (one form
admits patient to dept and unit.)

* Inter-Departmental Patient Status Change (census) Report added.

* Monthly Discharge Report added.

* Mission Statement added.

* Removed developer html, moved it to web site (reduce download size)

* Removed perl modules, moved to website (reduce download size)

* documentation: updated for version 1.1

* shell scripts: updated for version 1.1

* schema update sql script in /upgrade

Enjoy SQL Clinic!


Thomas Good e-mail: tomg@sqlclinic.net

Programmer/Analyst phone: (+1) 718.818.5528

Residential Services fax: (+1) 718.818.5056

Behavioral Health Services, SVCMC-NY mobile: (+1) 917.282.7359

SQL Clinic – An Open Source Clinical Record www.sqlclinic.net


SQL Clinic Reaches 1.0

Thomas Good is announcing the availability of SQL Clinic Version 1.0.0 which is now available at:
http://www.sqlclinic.net ‘…The SQL Clinic application suite provides storage and retrieval of clinical data via an easy to use web interface. Designed primarily for providers of psychiatric housing, it is nonetheless ready for use in all settings, including Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) and private practice. It is an Open Source product, licensed under the GNU General Public License and may be freely redistributed. Full press release and feature list follows. Update 2/6/02: They now have support contract link on the main page.

SQL Clinic Version 1.0.0 is now available at


The SQL Clinic application suite provides storage and retrieval of clinical data via an easy to use web interface. Designed primarily for providers of psychiatric housing, it is nonetheless ready for use in all settings, including Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) and private practice. It is an Open Source product, licensed under the GNU General Public License and may be freely redistributed. It runs on Linux, the rugged and cost effective networking operating system. It requires the Apache web server, the PostgreSQL database, the Sendmail mail server and Perl 5 – all Open Source products that are available in most modern distributions of Linux (and other Unix implementations as well.)

This is the first non-beta release of the application, which has been used in a production environment at Saint Vincent Catholic Medical Centers for the past 3 years. There are many improvements over earlier releases.

Previous public releases (beta) are also available at www.sqlclinic.net. All releases are supported by mailing lists open to the public. Technical support via email is free and commercial support packages are available at very reasonable prices for sites needing assistance with installation, setup and customizations. Users with an interest in programming are invited to join the development team.

The following features make SQL Clinic a valuable tool:

* Built-in Security and Data Access Clearance Levels
* Easy to use Web Based Database Administration Utilities
* Free Technical Support via Public Mailing Lists
* Full Set of Linux Shell Scripts for Experienced DBAs
* JCAHO Compliance
* Thorough Documentation in the form of a Web Based User Guide

* Complete Set of Clinical and Administrative Applications:

– Master Patient Index – allowing parallel data streams based on
unit names/treatment tracks…separate records in various units
and treatment modalities are all linked by a single patient ID.

– Referral Tracking with auto-email notification of census changes.
Comprehensive intake and placement subsystem keeps administrators
informed of any census changes.

– Medicaid Billable Progress Noting – with alert keyword scanning
Each note is scanned for user defined keywords. Matches trigger
*immediate* email notification via user defined mailing lists.
Audit trails track any modification of progress notes, allowing
repair of errors *and* accountability.

– Treatment Planning – with 220 user tunable, Medicaid reimbursible
skill areas – grouped into eleven Medicaid Restorative Services

– Caseload assignment tracking. Supervisors may view and modify
staff caseloads. Caseload assignments are used to define which
staff receive auto-email notifications when patient physical
examinations are due.

– Medication histories. Utilities for viewing current medications only – or full medication histories.

– Patient demographics. Very comprehensive details about your patients. Family, extended family, other treaters, contacts…Tracking of medical history, developmental history, nutritional needs, spiritual needs. Every facet of the patient that may be relevant to treatment is tracked.

– Full entitlements tracking including Foodstamps, Medicaid, Public Assistance and Social Security benefits.

– Special care monitor for high risk patients. Tracking of substance abuse, gambling abuse, self destructive behavior, legal issues, etc.

– Comprehensive patient assessments with psychosocial summaries, full mental status exams and exhaustive functional assessments. The functional assessment is directly related to the treatment plan. Patients are rated for skill levels in 220 different areas and recorded deficits may be used for treatment plan generation.

– Embedded DSM IV validation table for consistency in clinical records. Patient diagnoses may be entered manually or pulled directly from the embedded DSM IV. Additionally, A DSM IV reference tool is included.

– Numerous Quality Assurance instruments: tx goal attainment tracking, electronic customer satisfaction survey, formal supervision logs, incident tracking, auto-email reminders (patient physicals due, lease expiration, etc.), staff credential tracking, staff training and development logs, chart review tools for administrators, etc.

– Patient Safety utilities for tracking room inspections, fire drills, safety checklists and disaster drills.

– Online policy and procedure manual. A centralized database of all of your policies is easily created and maintained. Accessible from any workstation. Very handy during audits by regulatory bodies.

– Online forms for consistency in administrative records. Easy user generation of new forms via web based utility.

– Human Resource module with online tracking of employee performance evaluation due dates (with auto-email notification.)

– Auto-emailed daily reports: occupancy and patient movement reports, homelessness reports, discharge tracking.

– Staff communication utilities: unit (shift) log with keyword scanning, team notes for clinical rounds/team meeting, community meeting logs, therapeutic group notes, etc.

– Online Work Order subsystem with auto-email notification of order entry and job completion.

– Purchase Order subsystem with an optional SQL Ledger general accounting application. (SL as a module that simply plugs into the /ledger directory of the SQL Clinic source tree.)

– Full Respite Care module. Programs that deal with the frequent role reversals of participants (identified SPMI patient, respite “customer” and respite “companion”.)

– Archival utilities for progress notes and treatment plans. Build a read only data warehouse for your records.

– Personal reminder system and address book. Enter a personal reminder and receive daily email notices for 7 days prior to the event. Record all of your contacts in personal addressbook accessible to only its owner. (Included in the /reminder directory is a shell script that uses the linux pilot-link program to load addressbook data into a palm pilot. The src for pilot-link can be found in each SQL Clinic download, in the /pub directory.)

– Many more!

Feedback is most welcome and we hope you enjoy your SQL Clinic experience!

Thomas Good and Ingo Assenmacher, Project Leaders.
For additional information: info@sqlclinic.net