Two medical billing companies and a consulting company specializing in WebMD’s Medical Manager software choose OpenEMR. Two medical billing companies and a consulting company specializing in WebMD’s Medical Manager software choose OpenEMR, a free, open source practice management, EMR and billing application to offer their medical clinic clients. Pennington Firm, LLC, a San Diego, California based open source software development company, has been selected to assist these three companies with their OpenEMR implementation and customization projects.
Electronic Billing
So you got your health records
under control, but what about your billing department?
check processing has never been easier. Take care of payment processing
with our proven software.
Payments, recurring billing
and finance all at your fingertips.
Medical billing companies in New York and Florida choose OpenEMR to enhance the services they offer to their clients. These two medical billing companies host OpenEMR to maintain a secure environment for their clients’ medical records and billing information. These services free the medical clinics from the maintenance of hardware, operating systems and medical software. Clinics using OpenEMR from these medical billing companies are able to access their records from any Windows, Mac, Linux or thin client computer, including desktops, laptops and tablet PCs. Each medical clinic client is provided a dedicated web and IP address for a private server. Security for medical records includes multiple barriers to prevent unauthorized users from gaining access. One billing company has installed additional software to manage and monitor bandwidth use, and three individual levels of hardware and Internet redundancy for constant access to the practice management and EMR software.
One highly desirable feature of OpenEMR is its customizable superbill for medical claims. At are video illustrations of the superbill customization features. The superbill allows clinics to have a web based presentation of the most commonly used medical procedure and diagnosis codes. Medical providers click on the appropriate codes for medical billing. Customization of the OpenEMR superbill allows clinics to create specialty codes for products or services not otherwise covered by ICD, CPT or HCPCS codes. In addition to the superbill codes, OpenEMR provides a complete search for ICD, CPT and HCPCS codes for medical claims.
In January 2005, Pennington Firm, LLC begins training and customization of OpenEMR with a Texas based consulting company specializing in implementing and maintaining WebMD’s Medical Manager software. This Texas consulting company, in conjunction with several medical clinic clients selected OpenEMR as a replacement for Medical Manager. Advantages of OpenEMR include numerous practice management and EMR features within OpenEMR, the ability to integrate OpenEMR with other applications, the lack of licensing and user fees, and the ability to install OpenEMR on Windows, Linux, UNIX, or Mac OSX systems.