Google Health Prototype Speculations

eHealthNews.EU Portal made an attempt to underline the current Google Health Prototype speculations. In the recently published article you will be able to access the related web links to some official and non-official blogs.

Google Health Product discussions have been again refreshed after several official and non-official Google Health Prototype related news articles.

According to the recent New York Times article, Google executives would not comment on the Google Health prototype, other than to say the company plans to experiment and see what people want. “We’ll make mistakes and it will be a long-range march,” said Adam Bosworth, a vice president of engineering and leader of the health team. “But it’s also true that some of what we’re doing is expensive, and for Google it’s not.”

It seems that the official Google position didn’t change too much for about several months, at the end of the 2006 Adam Bosworth mentioned in the official Google Blog “These are some of the health-related problems we’re thinking through at Google. We don’t have any products or services to announce yet and may not for quite some time, but we thought we’d share a bit about the problems we’re interested in helping out on even before we introduce solutions. As we explore these problems and continue to work on them, we hope to share more about our efforts along the way.”

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