OpenClinica Community Surpasses 3,500 Members

OpenClinica Community Surpasses 3,500 Members; Increases 155% in One Year

Popularity Further Establishes OpenClinica as the Most Widely Used Open Source System for eClinical Research

(Cambridge, MA) April 22, 2008 — An increase in the interest and use of open source in clinical research has led to rapid growth of the community surrounding the OpenClinica open source clinical trial software from Akaza Research. In April 2007 this community comprised approximately 1,300 registered members. One year later, this figure has increased by 155 percent to over 3,500.

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Florida Hospital Migrates to Linux

Linux Insider has an article about a Florida hospital and others going Linux: The healthcare industry in general and hospitals in particular are very conservative about trying anything new. Healthcare officials are often reluctant to risk the reliability and security they perceive in their existing computer networks, according to Red Hat officials specializing in healthcare technology. Over the last two years, however, healthcare and hospital network administrators are discovering open source as more affordable than proprietary installations.

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ClearHealth on iPhone Announced

According to this announcement, the ClearHealth practice management system may be available on the iPhone: ‘It is with great pleasure that I announce the first release of ClearHealth for the iPhone. This native iPhone application allows a provider to connect to your clearhealth installation and view schedules, select/search patients, and view lab results. This is an ALPHA quality release and there are several known issues detailed below. We would love to have feedback on the general structure of the application, installation deployment problems, feature requests, etc. Please report these in the forum or on this thread.

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VistA Newsletter: Crisis in the VA, VistA in Arizona

Informative and wide-ranging Veterans Affairs VistA software newsletter (PDF) for January-February 2008 has been published. ‘We have some major news related to VistA� as well as the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to report in this issue. The news from the VA is rather significant and substantive so we have written a special In-Depth report on the subject, separate from the Commentary section…’

Tri-Continental Foundation of Experts, Open Health Tools, Collaborate on Global Health IT Solutions

Open Health Tools (OHT) announced a collaborative effort between national health agencies, government-funded organizations and agencies, major healthcare providers, international standards organizations and companies from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States to develop common healthcare IT products and services. OHT’s mission is to provide software tools and components that will accelerate the implementation of electronic health information interoperability platforms, which improve patient quality of care, safety and access to electronic health records (EHR).

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GNUmed Live CD – next generation

Postgresql has been added to the Live CD. Instead of bootstraping a database I used the restoration of a database dump. There is a script called ‘’ in /home/user/gnumed-db.

Calling this script restores the database an can be used immediately. Next step will be to call this script during live CD creation and have it available after booting.

One can use GNUmed without internet connection right off the CD. V3 will be uploaded shortly.