Tag Archives: MirrorMed

MirrorMed + CK-ERP Demo

I have just completed a preliminary version of MirrorMed with a CK-ERP connector. CK-ERP is a CRM/ERP/MRP/accounting system, MirrorMed is a Practice Management system based on ClearHealth. A demo of CK-ERP operating within MirrorMed 1.0RC3 is available here. At the same time, it is important to note that,

  • There is no integration of MirrorMed and CK-ERP at database level and/or processing logic level. Developers familiar with OpenEMR + SQL-Ledger integration may produce a better result than I do.
  • I am not familiar with HIPAA and/or other medical IT rules and regulations, so I am not sure if the (MirrorMed + CK-ERP) environment would or would not breach any such rules/regulations. However, I would welcome any feedback on any potential problem in this regard. As usual, any criticism, feedback, comment, suggestions are most welcome.PS – Initially, I was trying to post this message to MirrorMed.org’s forum. However, the forum is closed to new user registration, so it appears linuxmednews is the next most appropriate venue to post this message. If, this message contravenes linuxmednews’ editoral policy, I offer my most sincere apology and please delete this message as you think fit.

Fred Trotters Session at LinuxWorld

I will be moderating the “Who is doing what” session in Free and Open Source Healthcare Software at this years OSDL sponsored Healthcare day at LinuxWorld . If you would like me to mention your project or efforts in FOSS medicine, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Take a good look at the schedule and you will see that this conference could be very important. Besides the important involvement of OSDL itself, the keynote will be given by MedSphere’s Ken Kizer, and other FOSS heavy hitters will hopefully be speaking including Will Ross, Joseph Dal Molin and K.S. Bhaskar. Along with these FOSS revolutionaries important folk from the likes of IBM, Intel, Bull and McKesson will be attending. If you want to get connected in FOSS Health Software this is the place to be.

Fred Trotter
MirrorMed Project Manager
SynSeer Consultant

Open Source Medical Manager Alternative

The MirrorMed project and SynSeer is proud to announce the mm2mm project. mm2mm stands for Medical Manager to MirrorMed. mm2mm is a set of scripts and services designed to allow Medical Manager users to switch to MirrorMed.

SynSeer is currently alpha testing with our current clients. We are looking for beta testers who would be interested in helping us test mm2mm (in exchange for a 50% discount). If you are interested please contact Fred Trotter

Read on for specific mm2mm goals…
I am very happy to announce to mm2mm project. mm2mm stands for Medical Manager 2 MirrorMed.

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SynSeer new website

SynSeer, the company most directly responsible for MirrorMed has revamped the www.synseer.com website. SynSeer aims to be the top project-neutral Open Source Medical Software Company (As far as we know right now, we are the only one). Obviously SynSeer will support MirrorMed and FreeB, but also OpenEMR, FreeMED and perhaps someday VistA Office.
The new website should be better eye candy, and indicate the new directions for the company.


MirrorMed releases MirrorMed 1.0 RC3

The latest release of MirrorMed is now available for download. MirrorMed-1.0RC3 has several new important features. Mostly, the billing workflow has been dramatically improved.

1. FreeB billing pre-validation. Make sure its right, before it leaves!
2. Reworked X12 that supports several more loops.
3. Javascript validation on most Admin menu data items.
4. Several bugs, one SQL error, one Mysql 5.0 issue and several php 4.4 issues.

This release was sponsored by Shelby Reed.


MirrorMed Highlights FOSS in Action

Successful health IT software is difficult to create from scratch. Over 70% of Health IT software projects are either outright failures, or “challenged”. The MirrorMed project shows how Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in medicine can create a successful electronic medical record/electronic health record(EMR/EHR) by using code from several projects: OpenEMR, FreeMed, Uversa’s ClearHealth and the FreeB medical billing project. Together, these projects have threaded the needle and become the few that survive the real world in Health IT.

Using the easy to install xammp (apache, MySQL, PHP) product with PHP 4 makes MirrorMed relatively simple to install on Linux, and somewhat more difficult to install on Windows (not officially supported). (update: 4/16/06, I’ve found that using WinZip to un-pack mirrormed causes a problem. Un-packing with powerArchiver works, other unzip packages have not been tested.)

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