The OpenEMR community has released version 4.2.2. This new version is 2014 ONC Certified as a Modular EHR. OpenEMR 4.2.2 has numerous new features including 30 language translations, a new modern user interface, and fully supports PHP7 and the most recent versions of MySQL and MariaDB. OpenEMR 4.2.2 can be downloaded from the OpenEMR Project website at . Thanks goes to the OpenEMR community for producing this release.
Category Archives: OpenEMR
OpenEMR to be Used for Health Maintenance in Mumbai (Bombay)
Jain Suveinay and Dr. R. D. Lele of Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai (formerly Bombay), India are working on a project to use OpenEMR in a trial Health Maintenance Organization. Their plan is to deliver health care to include 100 doctors managing the health care of 50000 families (4 members per family) spread over a wide area network. The patient population lives in a slum area of Mumbai. Jain Suveinay: We will have a central server which will be accessed by the GP’s. Links to pharmacy and hospital will be also there. There is more information concerning this initiative at Health Maintenance in Mumbai
OpenEMR HQ Announces OpenEMR Certification Program
Earlier today, in a weekly conference call with customers and consultants, OpenEMR HQ CEO Anthony Papillion formally announced the launch of the companies OpenEMR Certified Consultant and OpenEMR Gold Certified certification programs for individuals and companies wishing to demonstrate their knowledge of the OpenEMR medical records software product and offer their customers a guaranteed level of service.
PhoneReminder 1.0, appointment reminder software for OpenEMR, released
OpenEMR HQ, a small software startup in NE Oklahoma, announced the release of PhoneReminder for OpenEMR. PhoneReminder is add-in software to the OpenEMR medical records package that allows users to automatically notify patients by phone (voice or text message) of upcoming appointments.
First screenshots from Project Phoenix posted today
OpenEMR HQ announced today that it has posted the first public screenshots of its upcoming software release called Phoenix to a special area of its website specially set up as a resource for those interested in the project. Read more after the break…
According to development lead Mishish Prahkah, Phoenix will be released simultaneously as both a Microsoft Windows based frontend to the popular OpenEMR software system and a standalone, open source, EMR package of its own. This, according to Prahkah, will allow OpenEMR HQ developers the freedom to try new ideas out in their own sandbox before pushing them out to the OpenEMR team (with which they will share code and ideas).
OpenEMR HQ CEO calls for universal data storge format for EHR/EMR systems
During the company’s weekly conference call with its customers, OpenEMR HQ CEO Anthony Papillion stressed the need for records storage and data exchange between commercial EMR/EHR packages such as OpenEMR, VistA, and others:
OpenEMR HQ Announces ‘Plug and Play’ EMR Appliance
OpenEMR HQ announced on Thursday that it will begin offering a ‘plug and play’ EMR appliance as of July 14th, 2008. This last minute announcement came as the company also announced its plans to offer a native OpenEMR client for Microsoft Windows operating system on September, 15th, 2008.
OpenEMR HQ to offer second online training session
OpenEMR HQ, Inc., announced today that it plans to offer a second online training session for those interested in the OpenEMR software but who aren’t able to attend an in-person event at their Tulsa facility. More after the break.
OpenEMR HQ Announces OpenEMR for the iPhone
Oklahoma based OpenEMR HQ, Inc announced on Monday that it is working on porting the popular open source medical records software package to the iPhone and iPod Touch handheld devices. This marks the software vendors first major foray into the mobile device market and promises to help propel OpenEMR into entirely new markets by truly allowing healthcare professionals access and work with patient records from nearly anywhere on Earth.
OpenEMR Group Training Scheduled – Tulsa Oklahoma
OpenEMR HQ, an Oklahoma based firm focused on supporting, consulting, and expanding the popular OpenEMR software system, has scheduled the first OpenEMR Public Training for January 18th 2008. The training, to be held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, will focus on installing, customizing, and administering an OpenEMR system on Linux and will be held from 8:00am to 12:00pm CST.